HSI in the media

This is a collection of news stories about the Hate Speech International initiative and stories we have contributed to, either journalistically or as sources. Please also check our monitor page – the Hate Speech Monitor. This news service provides an overview of stories shared by the people and organizations we follow on Twitter. Display of the stories does not constitute any form of endorsement by Hate Speech International.

This is a collection of news stories about the Hate Speech International initiative and stories we have contributed to, either journalistically or as sources.

Please also check our monitor page – the Hate Speech Monitor. This news service provides an overview of stories shared by the people and organizations we follow on Twitter. Display of the stories does not constitute any form of endorsement by Hate Speech International.

Dagen: - Advarer mot Israel-kobling til Breivik

Dagen: – Advarer mot Israel-kobling til Breivik

Our recent story on anti-Israeli conspiracy theories surround Breivik has received attention in the Norwegian Christian newspaper Dagen: Norges fremste ekspert på konspirasjonsteorier, John Færseth, har dykket ned i villnisset av forklaringsmodeller om […]

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Vigrid lives

Vigrid lives

Øyvind Strømmen, managing editor of Hate Speech International, is interviewed by Norwegian radio channel NRK P3 in connection with the revival of the neo-Nazi group Vigrid, which combines anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and a […]

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Nøytral journalistikk og andre livsløgner

Nøytral journalistikk og andre livsløgner

For en måneds tid siden bevilget Fritt Ord 3,3 millioner kroner til opprettelsen av et internasjonalt, journalistisk nettverk som skal dekke «hatytringer, hatforbrytelser og ekstremisme». Nettverket skal ledes av Kjetil Stormark og Øyvind […]

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