Militias and conspiracy culture

Extremism and mainstream
At least some of the features uniting the American extreme right – including a paranoid view of government, anti-centralism and a belief in America as a chosen country whose system is continually under threat – can also be found in parts of the mainstream right, albeit in less passionate form.

Examples include commentator and Tea Party activist Glenn Beck – an outspoken admirer of Cleon Skousen – who has promoted right-wing conspiracy tropes like societal collapse, collapse of the dollar, the possibility of dictatorship and even the claim that dissidents are being put into FEMA camps, a theory he later dismissed. Some local militias are also close to the Tea Party movement, while Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has appeared on Alex Jones’ online programme. Other examples are the never-ending rumour that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and the tendency of the right to cast itself as “real Americans” as opposed to minorities, “socialists”, immigrants and the political elites represented by “Washington”, a tradition dating back to both “producerist”, farmer-oriented populism and the John Birch Society. Indeed, as shown by Charles Postel, many of the tropes present in today’s Tea Party, including the identification of the country’s president as a socialist/collectivist “traitor”, were present in the JBS. With this in mind, it is fitting that congressman and Tea Party favourite Ron Paul was the main speaker at the society’s 50th anniversary celebration in 2008. There have also been some examples of Tea Party activists demonstrating in the company of pro-gun and Islamophobic groups connected to the militia movement. The Tea Party also shares a love of revolutionary war imagery with the antigovernment underground.

One of several places where the more radical elements of the mainstream overlap with moderate extremism is Oath Keepers, a nonprofit group founded in March 2009. Oath Keepers is based on the idea that it might eventually be necessary to resist the government by refusing to obey orders. It therefore attempts to recruit members of the police and military, and has attracted members from the fringe of the Tea Party as well as tax resisters and terrorist sympathizers. Among its endorsers: Glenn Beck.

The name “Oath Keepers” is derived from a theory that the primary duty of members of the military is to the Constitution, and that they should therefore be ready to resist an unconstitutional order. In reality, the oath of enlistment specifies that they shall obey the President. While less radical than militias, Oath Keepers is implicitly based on fears of the government will eventually find an excuse to declare martial law, confiscate guns and ammunition and arrest resisting patriots. Indeed, founder Stewart Rhodes has mentioned the “possibility” that black helicopters from the UN will eventually be entering the country to abolish American sovereignty.

Influence abroad
The anti-government conspiracy subculture of the United States remains unique, but it has its echoes in Europe. Examples include pure conspiracy websites like Norway’s Nyhetsspeilet and Sweden’s as well as parts of the New Age movement, in which opposition to vaccines and conventional medicine have fuelled belief in such menaces as a UN depopulation programme and a programme to control humans through microchip implantation. There have also been several instances in which people of the left, like Norwegian peace researcher Johan Galtung, have quoted right-wing ideas about international bankers and/or secret societies. The antigovernment movement should therefore be of concern not only to Americans, but to everyone interested in online radicalization.

Daryl Johnson: Right-Wing Resurgence: How a Domestic Terrorist Threat is Being Ignored
Daniel Levitas: The Terrorist Next Door
Will Bunch: The Backlash. Right-Wing Radicals, High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama.
Lawrence Rosenthal/Christine Trost: Steep: The Precipitous Rise of the Tea Party
Peter Knight (ed.:) Conspiracy Nation. The politics of paranoia in postwar America.


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John Færseth

About John Færseth

John Færseth is a Norwegian author and journalist. He has written the books Ukraina - landet på grensen, about the crisis in Ukraine, and KonspiraNorge, about conspiracy culture.
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  1. Jeg er min egen stat fordi det er min guddommelige og universelle rett! | TJ - Land - November 11, 2014

    […] I USA driver Freemen on the Land og Sovereign Citizens Movement også med svindel, såkalt Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud. I tillegg har skattemyndighetene i USA Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administtrasjon (TREAS) en rekke saker fra så langt tilbake som 1992,  hvor de har etterforsket svindel og hvitvasking av penger. Freeman on the land og Sovereign Citizens Movement er foranklet i rasisme og antisemittisme. Noe du kan lese om her: Sovereign citizens, militias and conspiracy culture.  For litt over et år siden siden ble David Allen Brutsche og Devon Campbell Newman arrestert og dømt for å ha planlagt kidnapping og drap på en politimann i Las Vegas, og for å markedsføre Sovereign Citizen-bevegelsen. Fra USA – Nevada. – Cliven Bundy (selve hovedpersonen i det som kalles ‘the Bundy Ranch standoff’) og hans allierte i gruppen Oath Keepers samt ‘milits’-gruppene White Mountain Militia og Pretorian Guard bruker mye av retorikken, ikke minst ideologien fra Sovereign Citizen-bevegelsen. Vi snakker om et fenomen som er legitimerer vold som et akseptabelt virkemiddel mot myndighetene. Du kan lese mer om fenomenet her. […]

  2. Jeg er min egen stat fordi det er min guddommelige og universelle rett! | TJ – Land - July 28, 2015

    […] I USA driver Freemen on the Land og Sovereign Citizens Movement også med svindel, såkalt Redemption / Strawman / Bond Fraud. I tillegg har skattemyndighetene i USA Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administtrasjon (TREAS) en rekke saker fra så langt tilbake som 1992,  hvor de har etterforsket svindel og hvitvasking av penger. Freeman on the land og Sovereign Citizens Movement er foranklet i rasisme og antisemittisme. Noe du kan lese om her: Sovereign citizens, militias and conspiracy culture.  For litt over et år siden siden ble David Allen Brutsche og Devon Campbell Newman arrestert og dømt for å ha planlagt kidnapping og drap på en politimann i Las Vegas, og for å markedsføre Sovereign Citizen-bevegelsen. Fra USA – Nevada. – Cliven Bundy (selve hovedpersonen i det som kalles ‘the Bundy Ranch standoff’) og hans allierte i gruppen Oath Keepers samt ‘milits’-gruppene White Mountain Militia og Pretorian Guard bruker mye av retorikken, ikke minst ideologien fra Sovereign Citizen-bevegelsen. Vi snakker om et fenomen som er legitimerer vold som et akseptabelt virkemiddel mot myndighetene. Du kan lese mer om fenomenet her. […]

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